---------------------- PolyCube release notes ---------------------- http://polycu.be twitter.com/polycu_be ---------------------- 2015-09-10: initial early-preview release 2015-09-15: RiceScript: added OpenGL-like matrix operations for GLSL matrix types: identity, translate, rotate, scale 2015-09-16: RiceScript: added casting constructors vec2(vec3) and vec3(vec4) 2015-09-29: RiceScript: fixed vec4(vec2,double,double), vec4(double,vec2,double), vec4(double,double,vec2) constructors 2015-10-14: RiceScript: added matrix inverse operations for glsl_math 2015-10-14: added consolef and precision setting %.Dg (D = number of fractional digits) for consolef/printf 2015-10-26: fixed mipmapping for glCapture (power of two textures only), added GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP primitive 2015-10-27: removed GL_MIN/GL_MAX as it is not supported by WebGL 1.0, added glColorMask, glDepthMask and glDepthFunc 2015-11-02: RiceScript: fixed normalize in glsl translation 2015-11-02: added thumbnail saving, fixed context reuse/cleanup in preview window, #option preserve_buffer is 1 by default 2015-11-08: RiceScript: fixed scalar*vector operations, fixed boolean and conditional a?b:c expressions 2015-11-08: fixed glBlendFunc bug (run-time exception), fixed glCaptureEnd bug (flushing mesh batches) 2015-11-15: RiceScript: glsl_math: access to matrix components, "float" type, new functions: reflect and component-wise floor, ceil and fract 2015-11-15: fixed line numbers in error messages for shaders with #use macro 2015-11-21: enabled EXT_frag_depth, updated "Implicit spheres" and "Implicit capsules" examples 2015-11-22: added glViewport, glScissor/GL_SCISSOR_TEST and glDepthRange 2015-11-22: RiceScript: added double(int) and float(int) casting 2015-12-26: modified "hide editor" behaviour (full window only in fullscreen browsing) 2016-01-02: RiceScript: fixed GLSL translation of numerical constants, auto including enum's for #use macro 2016-01-12: KGL_* syntax is obsolete: GL_LINEAR = KGL_LINEAR, GL_NEAREST = KGL_NEAREST, GL_CLAMP = KGL_CLAMP, GL_REPEAT = KGL_REPEAT 2016-01-12: added 16bit and 32bit texture and render buffer formats: GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_HALF_FLOAT, GL_FLOAT 2016-01-16: added glBlendColor and fixed GL_*CONSTANT_ALPHA, GL_*CONSTANT_COLOR 2016-01-16: added missing letter key codes from KEY_A to KEY_Z 2016-01-17: default format type for textures is GL_RGBA (KGL_BGRA32 is obsolete, rgba(,,,) function is now packing in a proper R8G8B8A8 order) 2016-01-17: fixed GL_HALF_FLOAT array input for glSetTex 2016-01-17: fixed glBlendEquation, added GL_MIN and GL_MAX 2016-01-31: added Find/Goto in code editor 2016-02-01: double-click on error line in console moves text cursor to erroneous code 2016-07-03: added #template macro 2016-07-03: #template plot - plot a 1d function 2016-07-10: new render to texture API: glCaptureTex, glCaptureBegin; glCapture is obsolete 2016-07-17: WebGL 2.0: 3d textures: glCaptureTex3D, glSetTex3D; more texture formats 2016-07-17: WebGL 2.0: GLSL ES 3.0 shader support 2016-07-17: #template voxel - evaluate and render voxel volume 2016-07-18: depth buffer attachment bug fix; in glCaptureTex depth buffer attachment is optional (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, disabled by default) 2016-07-18: #template voxel fix for Edge 2016-07-24: WebGL 2.0: fixed for setting layer in glCaptureBegin(texture, layer) to render to 3d textures 2016-07-24: added glReadPixels for both 2D and 3D textures 2016-07-24: added mipmap level to glCaptureBegin options; glGenerateMipmap has to be called explicitly 2016-08-24: WebGL 2.0: added WEBGL2 static variable to RiceScript library; set to 1 if WebGL 2.0 is available, otherwise to 0 2016-08-24: common GLSL sections with notation: @:myCommonSection, #use myCommonSection, fixed inout syntax highlighting 2016-09-13: fixed critical cross product calculation bug in cross(vec3,vec3) 2016-09-14: added glCaptureTexCube - rendering to cube map texture 2016-09-17: added GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod and OES_standard_derivatives and fixed compability with WebGL2 2016-09-19: added volumetric_v1 template: precalculated distance-field volume with physically-based shading 2016-10-07: added shader_plot_v1 template: GLSL shader plot with EvalDraw-style controls 2016-11-13: RiceScript: fixed line numbers in errors with templates and :sections 2016-11-15: added revert/pause/play controls 2016-11-18: RiceScript: fixed mat2 * mat2 multiplication bug